Scientific activities of the EURL

Scientific research

Formal studies are regularly scheduled in the EURL working plan. The background of these studies, overall goals, methodology used and main outputs are given in the following pages.

  • Taxonomic relationships of microcell parasites of oysters
  • Identification and characterisation of bacterial pathogens
  • Taxonomy of the complex Perkinsus atlanticus / P. olseni
  • The question of Marteilia refringens

You will also find some documents relative to molluscs pathology on the page "Tutorials " 

Transmission Electron Microscope

In late 2006 the EURL acquired a new transmission electon microcope (TEM) to replace its twenty year old Jeol JEM-1200 TEM. The new Jeol JEM-1110 microscope is equiped with a highly sensitive and high resolution (11 million pixels) Morada digital camera and the analySIS imaging software from Soft Imaging System company. The TEM is used for research purpose and for diseases confirmatory diagnosis.